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Re: [TV] [Fwd: WGET Script Problem]

the problem is that the string:

For Linux VDR from Germany (brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)

is not being seen as a single entity and therefore WGET is taking the "For"
as bleonging to the -U parameter, and the rest as URLs. See below:

My BBC WGET Script 27/02/2004 V1.00

For Linux VDR from Germany (brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)
+ wget -UFor Linux VDR from Germany '(brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)' -Obleb-xmltv.bz2 'http://bleb.org/tv/data/listings?days=-1,1,1&format=XMLTV&file=BZIP2&channels=bbc1,bbc2,bbc3,bbc4'
--15:41:12--  http://linux/
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving linux... failed: Host not found.
--15:41:12--  http://vdr/
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving vdr... failed: Host not found.
--15:41:12--  http://from/
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving from... failed: Host not found.
--15:41:12--  http://germany/
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving germany... failed: Host not found.
--15:41:12--  http://(brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)/
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving t-online.de)... failed: Host not found.
--15:41:12-- http://bleb.org/tv/data/listings?days=-1,1,1&format=XMLTV&file=BZIP2&channels=bbc1,bbc2,bbc3,bbc4
           => `bleb-xmltv.bz2'
Resolving bleb.org... done.
Connecting to bleb.org[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/x-bzip]

[ <=> ] 19,114 37.86K/s

15:41:14 (37.86 KB/s) - `bleb-xmltv.bz2' saved [19114]

This works from a script, but with errors, if I code it like this:


Cheers Brian

Brian Dorling wrote:

If I look at this with "set -x" the WGEt command looks like this:

wget '-U'\''For' Linux VDR from Germany '(brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)'\''' '-O'\''bleb-xmltv.bz2'\''' ''\''http://bleb.org/tv/data/listings?days=-1,1,1&format=XMLTV&file=BZIP2&channels=bbc1,bbc2,bbc3,bbc4'\'''

An this one will not run if pasted into a shell.

Cheers Brian

Brian Dorling wrote:

I basically found what to do on your site and copied it:

#set -x
echo "My BBC WGET Script 27/02/2004 V1.00"

APPL="For Linux VDR from Germany (brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)"

#echo $BASE_URL
#echo $DAYS
#echo $FORMAT
#echo $FILE


echo ""
echo ""


Cheers Brian

Andrew Flegg wrote:

In list.comp.tv, Brian wrote:

somehow the post got corrupted.
The "days=3D-1,1,1" stuff (in various places) should read "days=-1,1,1". Not sure where those extra "3D" characters came from.

It's an encoding of =, "=3D" - equivalent to "%2D" in a URL, for
example. Dunno why your original post needed encoding, but something
thought it did.

Anyway, you wrote:

as I am new to this, maybe someone can help even thought it is slightly

That's not a problem.

My BBC WGET Script 27/02/2004 V1.00
wget -U'For Linux VDR from Germany (brian_dorling@xxxxxxxxxxx)'


Has anyone any ideas what is wrong? Obviously its staring to parse the -U
parameters as a URL, but why?

Sounds like the quotes are being lost. What platform/language is the
script written in? Can you paste it into a list posting/put it online



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